Discover “The Insider Secrets” and Our Step By Step Strategies We Use to Drive Hordes of Buyer Traffic To Our Websites, Funnels, & Offers... All While Growing a List of Hyper Engaged Buyers Who are Ready To Spend Money With You…Over and Over Again!

Plus, Take Advantage Of Full Private Label Rights To Re-Brand and Repurpose These Checklists For Your Own Use!

Why You Need To Grab IM Checklist Today?

  • Our Unique Internal Strategy To Generate MASSIVE Amounts of High Quality Traffic... Almost On Demand! (Works For Any Business… With Any Product… And In Any Niche!)
  • There’s a "Hidden Traffic Goldmine” No One Else Is Talking About… Yet! Here’s How To Tap Into It For an Immediate Spike Of Fresh Traffic!
  • Revealed The Accidental Discovery That Immediately Doubled Our Traffic Overnight! (See Checklist #15)
  • Plus, get access to Full White Label Rebranding & Private Label Rights Included! Resell, Rebrand, Reuse

Why Our Customers Love IM Checklist ?

From The Desk Of Kevin Fahey :

Dear Marketer,

If you would like to find out how YOU can generate unlimited amounts of hyper-engaged traffic to your websites, funnels, or offers...

You'll want to read this letter from top to bottom and pay attention to every single word on this page because what I'm about to share with you can almost immediately change the course of your business and have a massive impact on your results and most importantly your income…

The Single Most Important Piece Of The Puzzle…

Traffic generation is an essential part of any online business...

In fact, it's the single most important piece of the puzzle...

Because traffic is what brings in leads and customers… and business without customers isn’t a business - it’s a hobby... 

You can have the greatest product ever created...

Your website or a funnel can be the biggest, baddest, most beautiful work of art that the world has ever seen...

But if it has absolutely no traffic coming in, none of that will matter...

The reality is, your success online is directly proportional to how good you're at generating traffic...

But the problem is... 

Traffic generation is no walk in the park.

You can't just pull visitors out of a hat, you can't snap your fingers and make them appear...

In order to set your business up for success, you need to roll out an organized, detailed, and effective strategy for driving hyper engaged traffic to your online properties.

A strategy you could follow and get consistent results...

The Simplest Path To More Traffic...

Which is exactly why I decided to put together this special IM Checklist volume and just literally hand you my "internal traffic generation system" and processes that I personally use on a day to day basis to drive traffic to my funnels and offers...

Once you'll go through the set of checklists inside you'll be able to rise above noise and drive unlimited amounts of traffic to your business like a true professional...

But keep in mind that... 

The strategies revealed inside are not about implementing the latest secret for driving traffic or just "hacking" your way to more website visitors. No.

The strategies you'll discover inside are tried-and-true methods that the biggest online marketers use to create irresistible authority and drive droves of traffic to their offers, funnels, and pages.

In other words...

These checklists will give you wildly effective step-by-step traffic generation strategies so you can literally print these out, put them on the corner of your desk and implement the steps daily to see an immediate surge of traffic in your own business...

And frankly, what THIS volume of checklists can do for you is nothing short of life changing! 


IM Checklist V34:   

Online Traffic For Marketers

Here’s Everything You’ll Discover Inside

IM Checklist V34: Online Traffic For Marketers

Checklist #1 - Email Marketing For Traffic Generation

Email Marketing is unarguably one of the most powerful and reliable traffic generation methods out there. In this checklist we go over our personal strategies and practices proven to generate massive results.

Checklist #2 - Guest Blogging For More Traffic 

Guest blogging is extremely effective yet massively underused marketing strategy to drive traffic to your own funnels, and offers leveraging other people's audiences. In this checklist we lay out a step-by-step process for wildly effective guest posting campaigns.

Checklist #3 - On Page SEO For Traffic

On-page SEO is extremely important because it helps search engines understand your website, its content and is a massive ranking factor. In this checklist we go over everything to make sure you on-page SEO is perfect.

Checklist #4 - How To Target Long-Tail Keywords For Traffic 

Long Tail Keywords are the low hanging fruit of SEO. In this checklist we go over the best practices on how you can get almost immediate results targeting long-tail keywords.

Checklist #5 - Getting Listed In Online Directories

Getting your website listed on various directories is a powerful strategy to help improve your presence. In this checklist we go through all of the directories you can submit your website and the right ways to go about it.

Checklist #6 - Community Engagement 

Having a hyper engaged community can help grow your brand and business even further. In this checklist we go over the strategies on how to build, grow, and retain a loyal audience of people who are looking forward to spending money with you.

When it comes to online marketing, SEO takes the lead in everything there is to marketing. In this checklist we go over the most important SEO tools that help your websites rank faster.

Checklist #8 - Answering Questions in Quora 

Quora can be an amazing website to drive traffic back to your funnels and offer. It allows you to connect with your target audience and understand their needs better. In this checklist we go over the best practices to drive traffic to your online properties using Quora.

Checklist #9 - Repurpose Content On Other Channels

Content syndication helps you hit two birds with one stone. It's not a secret that content creation is very time consuming, that's why you have to be able to repurpose your content for multiple marketing channels. In this checklist we share our favorite ways to repurpose content.

Checklist #10 - How To Build Backlinks For More Traffic 

Backlinks are the single most important SEO factor. In this checklist we show you steap-by-step how to get powerful backlinks that help you rank higher on seaarch engines.

Checklist #11 - How To Do Paid Advertising For Traffic Generation

Paid advertising is the most effective traffic generation strategy. However, it can get very expensive very quickly if you don't know what you are doing. In this checklist we go over proven paid advertising strategies to help you get the best ROI possible for your advertising efforts.

Checklist #12 - How To Do Contests And Giveaways For More Traffic 

One of the most prominent ways of generating more traffic can be simple competitions or giveaways. In this checklist we spill the beans and share everything you need to know about hosting competitions and giveaways to generate traffic.

Checklist #13 - How To Make Sure Your Site Is Responsive For More Traffic

When you have traffic coming into your funnels and websites you absolutely have to make sure it's optimized for high conversions. In this checklist we show you exactly how to optimize your online properties for best results.

Checklist #14 - Get Active On Social Media For More Traffic 

If you're looking to generate as much traffic as you possibly can, you might want to turn to social media... Because if there's any place your target audience hangs out... It's most likely social media. In this checklist we share our internal strategies on how you can get the most out of your socials.

Checklist #15 - Write  Irresistible Headlines

You have to grab your audience's attention in the first three seconds they visit your website otherwise they're gone. For that reason you absolutely have to be able to craft irresistible headlines. In this checklist we reveal our favorite headline formulas.

Checklist #16 - How To Gain More Traffic With Affiliates 

Affiliate marketing is one of the most powerful traffic generation strategies. In this checklist we share strategies you can use to approach affiliates and get them to promote your offers.

Checklist #17 - How To Use Facebook To Get More Traffic

Facebook is still one of the most personal social media platforms and it allows you to connect with your audience on a deeper level which makes selling so much easier. In this checklist we reveal our favorite strategies for generating traffic leveraging Facebook.

Checklist #18 - Using Youtube To Get More Traffic 

YouTube can be an extremely powerful traffic generation tool that can attract hordes of free traffic almost immediately when done right. In this checklist we go over the Youtube marketing strategies to help you harness the power of video.

You Really Are Getting Full Private Label Rights To These Checklists As Well!

Which means you can re-brand and repurpose these checklists with your logo and your brand and use them as they are or simply turn them into any other form of engaging and value-packed content in mere minutes...

Instantly create top-quality, professional, lead magnets, blog posts, emails...

Turn these checklists into a video course, webinar presentation...

Or use them as mouth-watering bonuses for your wildly successful affiliate promotions!

Without having to spend countless hours on mind-numbing research, writing your own content, or even putting in much effort...

Re-brand, Modify or Re-Purpose these checklists in any way you want... 

Re-package them into your own bonuses or offers and give it away or sell it and keep 100% of the profits in your pocket!

Can you see the potential yet?

These checklists will allow you to tap into massive profits with minimal amount of work and effort... And RIGHT NOW you’re getting a front-row ticket to instantly cash in.

ALL Checklists Come In 

5 Different Formats

Re-Brandable Document Files

Take advantage of the included PLR License and easily rebrand these checklists, with your logo and brand literally in seconds... Leverage our high-quality checklists to effortlessly create lead magnets, blog posts, or any other type of content.

Printable PDFs

If you would like to have physical copies of these checklists to keep them on your desk for frequent reference, inside you'll find printable PDFs of each checklist you can print out with just a click of a button!

Interactive Mind Maps

Each checklist has an interactive mind map to help you design, track and analyze your funnel creation process from a birds-eye view.

Google/Excel Spreadsheets

If you prefer having your checklists on your computer or in the cloud, we have prepared Google & Excel spreadsheets that you can import or download with a click of a button!

Interactive Checklists

Building funnels that print money like a broken ATM money has never been so simple! Inside the member’s area, you will find interactive checklists that will help you to make sure you've not made any mistakes along the way! Just follow the process, tick off the box once the task is completed and move on to the next one!

Complex Things Made Brain Dead Simple...

We've broken down what may seem like a complex process into simple step-by-step tasks that will all but guarantee you build a money-spitting, customer-generating automated sales funnel for your business... Whether you are an affiliate marketer, product creator, or consultant.

Every single strategy revealed inside is actionable, easy to understand, and backed up with real experience and real results...

But most importantly, it's delivered in a concise, easy to digest and follow-along checklists that you can keep on your desk for frequent reference as you continue making your already wildly profitable funnels... Even more profitable.

Turn Perfect Strangers Into Loyal Customers...

In as fast as just a few days, using the simple step-by-step processes laid out inside, you can easily build an outrageously profitable funnel from scratch...

...or turn an ordinary, underperforming funnel into a total "GRAND-SLAM".

In fact, the "secrets" laid out inside are so powerful that I can guarantee...

If you implement just any ONE single strategy you'll find inside the IM Checklist, you'll see a significant increase in sales and profits in your campaigns or affiliate promotions you’re running… In as little as 24 hours...

And YES!... what you’ll find inside these checklists works for any marketer… with any product… and in every niche you can possibly imagine. 

You Are Going To Be Amazed At The Change In Your Business When You Implement This...

Imagine finally being able to build profitable sales funnels... With almost guaranteed success rate...

I'm talking about stable, long-lasting funnels that give you not only complete financial freedom but time freedom as well...

Picture yourself, finally discovering the "insider secrets" you felt were kept away from you... 

Experience what it's like to have sales funnels that are bringing you new customers on a day to day basis... Building your business bigger and faster than you ever thought possible!

Feel a level of certainty that eases your mind and every cell of your body because you finally can grow your business at absolutely any speed you choose.

It’s all possible with IM Checklist…

But don’t just take my word for it...

Here’s Why Our Customers Are Totally In Love With IM Checklist!

Why You Need To Secure Your Copy Of


  • Our Unique Internal Strategy To Generate MASSIVE Amounts of High Quality Traffic... Almost On Demand! (Works For Any Business… With Any Product… And In Any Niche!)
  • There’s a "Hidden Traffic Goldmine” No One Else Is Talking About… Yet! Here’s How To Tap Into It For an Immediate Spike Of Fresh Traffic!
  • Revealed The Accidental Discovery That Immediately Doubled Our Traffic Overnight! (See Checklist #15)
  • Plus, get access to Full White Label Rebranding & Private Label Rights Included! Resell, Rebrand, Reuse

Bonus # 1

Access To A Private Mastermind Group

  • With this mastermind access, you’ll get to…
  • Meet and connect with top marketers in the industry who will push you towards success...
  • Hang out with other 'IM Checklist' members, and share ideas to move all parts of your business forward...
  • Ask questions and get immediate help whenever you need it!

Value: $97

Bonus # 2

PLR Video Training Series

  • With this training access, you’ll get to…
  • Find out how you can use PLR in your business to save time, increase your profits & completely eliminate stress FAST.
  • Get a complete breakdown of how I built a 6 figure online business in the PLR niche.
  • Learn additional tips and tactics that will help you grow your business and make more money with IM Checklist!

Value: $97

Bonus # 3

7 Figure Entrepreneur Book Bundle

  • With this bundle access, you’ll get to…
  • Discover the tested and proven processes you can follow daily to easily scale your business to $20,000 per month in the fastest way possible!
  • Find out how you can explode your email open rates with THESE few simple techniques that take just minutes to implement.
  • 11 questions that will help you figure out where you are in your business, where you want to be and what you need to do in order to achieve your desired results.
  • See This ONE “fatal” mistake I made in my business. And discover how avoiding it will set you on the path to extreme & effortless growth!

Value: $97

Bonus # 4

101 Ways To Profit With PLR

  • With this bundle access, you’ll get to…
  • Learn 101 ways you can PROFIT with IM Checklist PLR rights!
  • Learn how to repurpose PLR content for maximum results!
  • How to use PLR content to make money off of it for a long, long time!

Value: $97

Bonus # 5

IM Product Launching 2.0

  • With this training access, you’ll get to…
  • Learn how to successfully launch your very own digital product!
  • Get ideas how you can use IM Checklists to turn it into your own product
  • Learn additional tips, and tactics on product launching from a 7 Figure marketer...

Value: $97

IM Checklist bundle is literally STACKED with value.

The low price alone should make you jump at this.

But I really don’t want ANYTHING to hold you back from getting The IM Checklist RIGHT NOW.

That’s why I’m giving you the next 30 days to make sure it is for you.

If you don’t make any money or get any value out of these checklists or you just aren’t satisfied for ANY reason… Even if you’re just having a bad hair day... All you have to do is let me know, and I’ll get you a prompt refund... No questions asked!

Let's be honest here.

You simply can’t lose with a guarantee like this.

Picture Yourself At The Crossroads Right Now...

Where You Have 2 Different Options… 



Is to leave this page without getting your access to IM Checklist...

But I think you already know what will happen if you do this.

That heavy feeling in your heart. That sense that you made a mistake and didn't grab the opportunity that could have completely changed the path of your business...

You don't want that.

Which is why you should seriously consider taking.


Just make this simple decision and say "YES" right now...

Click the buy button below and get instant access to 18 Checklists that layout the entire sales funnel building process (For Recession-Proof Sales Funnels) sales funnels for you step by step...

PLUS, FULL PRIVATE LABEL RIGHTS to re-brand and repurpose all of these checklists and use them (Including the knowledge and experience inside) as your own.

Look... I don't think I have to say this, but...


Again, with my 30-day money-back guarantee you have absolutely nothing to lose...

Also with this special launch discount, you're getting HALF OFF

Now, let me leave you with one final note...

Successful People ALWAYS Take ACTION...

ACTION is THE KEY to SUCCESS. Absolutely nothing is more important than being PROACTIVE...

Despite the circumstances or situation that's happening around you.

So... If you want to take matters into your own hands, and create your own success.

Just make this tiny, easy decision right now...

I've unlocked the door. All you have to do is walk through it.

I hope you understand that I've literally stacked the deck so much in your favor that you simply can’t lose.

Well, actually there is one way you can lose...

And it's by closing this page and walking away from this opportunity…

Nudge Its Only Fair To Warn you

This is a strictly LIMITED TIME discounted offer!

The price will jump significantly - likely to $97 in the near future...

The steeply discounted price on this page you are seeing right now is to encourage you to take advantage of this limited-time special launch offer.

In, fact if you exit right now and come back later, you will end up pay more!

So take action now to enjoy this incredibly low one-time introductory price!

Plus, Get $250+ In Bonuses For FREE When 



Checklist #7 - Using SEO Tools 


What is Checklist Vol. 34?

Inside, you get access to 18 checklists revolving around Online Traffic For Marketers. You also get exclusive training reports as well.

Why should you get the Checklist?

This is the next best thing to having me show you how to get the best results online. These checklists come from over 12 years of online business experience, and you can get your hands on them today at a big discount.

Who should get this?

Anyone looking to save time, stay focused, and get better results needs this.

How much is this?

Although these are easily worth $197 (or more), you won’t invest anywhere near that today.

What will this do for me?

This is a massive shortcut to success that makes it easy for anyone to copy what I’m doing in my 7 figure online business.

What if I don’t like what I see?

You are protected by our money back deal. You get 30 days to make sure these are for you. If you’re not satisfied for any reason, just let me know and I’ll get you a prompt refund.


Private Label Rights

  • Can edit, add graphics and rebrand anyway you wish
  • Can be used to create video training courses
  • Can be added to paid membership sites
  • Can be translated into other languages
  • Can claim full authorship
  • Can be resold (Personal Use Only)
  • Can be used a build your email list (Individual Sheets Only)
  • Can be used as blog posts or infographics (Individual Sheets Only)
  • Can sell Private Label Rights
  • Can sell Master Reseller Rights
  • Can be resold as Checklists on JvZoo or Warrior Plus

Copyright 2020 -

John Mulry


Now Here’s Just Some Of The Ways You Can Profit From These Checklists.

  • Rebrand & Sell Over & Over Again
  • Turn Into A Video Product Of Your Own
  • Rebrand & Use As An Upsell In Your Funnel
  • Turn Into High Quality Unique Blog Posts
  • Use As A Bonus For Your Promotions
  • Use It As Content For Your Membership Site
  • Use Them To Build Your Email List
  • Increase The Value Of Your Existing Product
  • Turn Into A Webinar Presentation
  • Use Them In Your Coaching Program
  • Translate Them Into Different Languages
  • Educate Yourself & Profit From These Checklists
  • Without wasting months of your time waiting for the traffic to eventually pick up…
  • Without spending hundreds, and possibly even thousands of dollars without making anything back…
  • Without time consuming, complicated strategies that take up most of your days leaving you no time to work on other aspects of your business...

However, that's easier said than done... 

And most marketers in fact, waste a lot of time and money before they ever come across a strategy that produces consistent results...